Custom Artwork

Bring your visions to life in a custom artwork.

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Custom Artwork

Some of Brandi’s clients and collectors include Sarah Baeumler, Jillian Harris, Jann Arden and Sarah Nicole Landry (thebirdspapya).

Whether you are looking for a unique portrait, abstract artwork, or a series of pieces for your walls at home, the office or anywhere else, I use my distinctive art style to make you a one of a kind piece of art. We work with you to enhance the beauty and look of your overall space. Create a custom project to suit your style and bring those memories or your vision to life!

Please note, there is a 6-month waitlist for custom artwork pieces.

with Brandi Hofer
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Pssst! Here are a few FAQ’s

Does my project have to be a portrait?

We are open minded and flexible. Whether you need a trendy abstract painting for your office or a mural on your wall, or want to do something special with that old photo that your have of your loved one! We love to take on a challenge, try us, anything is possible! Isn’t this exciting?! Let’s get started!

I love my artwork, can I get a copy of it as a print?

Yes, absolutely! After your piece is made, we can discuss your print needs. Prints are available in multiple sizes: 8x10”, 11x14” or 13x19”.

Do you create murals for home and businesses?

Yes, for information on custom interior and exterior murals please visit here.


What people are saying.

"Wow, thank you, thank you Brandi, I’m obsessed!"

Jillian Harris

Verified Customer of Custom Artwork

“This brings tears to my eyes, thank you so much for creating this beautiful gift for our family. You captured the essence of my Dad. We cannot wait to hang it on our wall!"


Verified Customer of Custom Artwork

"This transformed our whole space, we couldn’t be more excited! Now we are so proud of our second piece Brandi Hofer artwork in our collection."


Verified Customer of Custom Artwork


Custom Artwork Showcase

Experience the custom artwork journey with Brandi Hofer.