APRIL 1 - MAY 22
Brandi Hofer Studios

Your right path!

Last Updated: 
July 8, 2024
Weekend Inspiration
This can be your greatest tool in work and life.
Written by
Brandi Hofer
Published on
June 16, 2024

Figure out what defines success for you… that is your starting point. Once you know what success means to you, all you have to do is figure out your next step each and every day.


3 Tips for ensuring you're on the right path by trusting your intuition and how to figure out your next move!

Listen to Your Gut Feelings: Your intuition often speaks through physical sensations. Pay attention to that inner nudge or gut feeling (trust me it's there). If a decision feels right deep down, it's worth exploring further.

Reflect on Your Emotions: Take time to reflect on how different choices make you feel. Journaling or meditating can help clarify your emotions. Trust the feelings of excitement and joy over fear and doubt. Keep tabs on when you're tired and just need to hit your bed!

Seek Silence and Solitude: Create moments of quiet in your day to connect with your inner voice. Whether it's through meditation, a walk in nature, or simply sitting in silence, these moments can provide clarity and reinforce your true path. Even a moving mediation is good I personally love a long walk or a run leaving my phone behind, I find the answers to all my questions there.

Get your positive self talk going, and know that you are capable of taking on any goal or dream!

And don't forget to check out our new Mini Marketing Course (link HERE) for Creatives to get your social media working for you, not the other way around. Tune in and take the next step in your creative journey!


Ever wondered if you're on the right path? This is one Colour Me Happy episode you won't want to miss! Join us as we dive deep into trusting your intuition and knowing when to embark on a new adventure. Our guest, the amazingly successful creative Jeanne Oliver, shares her experience of making a significant business pivots and trusting her creative intuition.

Get ready to be inspired   Listen HERE to this weeks podcast

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Brandi Hofer
Artist & Educator