APRIL 1 - MAY 22
Brandi Hofer Studios

There will always be too much to do

Last Updated: 
May 16, 2024
Weekend Inspiration
This can be your greatest tool in work and life.
Written by
Brandi Hofer
Published on
May 5, 2024

“There will always be too much to do – and this realization is liberating. Today more than ever, there’s just no reason to assume any fit between the demands on your time – all the things you would like to do, or feel you ought to do – and the amount of time available. The only viable solution is to make a shift: from a life spent trying not to neglect anything, to one spent proactively and consciously choosing what to neglect, in favour of what matters most.” How much do you love this, it was in Oliver's last article that he wrote for The Guardian.

-Oliver Burkeman

We snagged this great quote from our book, which will make the greatest Mother's Day gift to yourself!

Big news in our world! Celebrate with us! We were on the Jenna Kutcher Goal Digger Podcast chatting about burnout and motherhood! You can tune in HERE

PODCAST "Never pay to boost on Social Media, because it likely isn't something you can afford for your small business and it impacts your future organic reach!" Get the inside scoop with expert Dina Brodski. What keeps Dina up at night? How the algorithm ticks... And we have to say she has figured it out she has almost hit 1M followers organically and grown by 300,000 since we interviewed her on this podcast! So crazy right? The thing we loved most about chatting with Dina was that her whole mission is to get you off of socials to start living your real life. That is her aim as a creative Mother. Be sure to check out her Sketchbook Classes, she has some stunning work and is on insta @dinabrodsky Listen HERE

Get our Free Top 5 Social Media Slip-Ups (And How to Dodge Them!)

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Brandi Hofer
Artist & Educator