Welp! I dropped the weekly inspiration ball! Did anyone notice… not sure. Life gets overwhelmingly busy, and I am the voice behind all the emails, podcast, and posts (I love it all)! I knew last night hanging with the boys I was missing something…. But I'm sure glad you're here, appreciate you! Maybe it's time for a check in, speaking of this is the perfect Colour Me Happy Podcast guest to go over a health check in!
Homeopath from London England Naila was on the pod! Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that was developed in the late 18th century. Human body is capable of healing itself for as long as one seeks to restore this balance. I don't know about you but I am down for learning about the human body! Weird rash, odd symptoms and an alternative way of healing. Stay tuned for the end when we talk specifically about women's hormone health. Listen HERE
Let's talk about you! How have you been feeling? I mean mentally and physically? Check in. Take some time for you. Are creativity lives in the quiet times. It is there for use to heal and connect back to who we are.
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