APRIL 1 - MAY 22
Brandi Hofer Studios

Claiming back what is yours

Last Updated: 
April 16, 2024
Weekend Inspiration
This can be your greatest tool in work and life.
Written by
Brandi Hofer
Published on
March 31, 2024

Make your morning hard, so the rest of your day is easy.

- Jackie

Are you experiencing unexpected changes like hair loss, sleep disturbances, or bloating? It could be your hormones…Take charge of your body and your life, claim your body back!

PODCAST  This is a MUST listen! If you're in your early 30s it's time to start preventative measures. In this insightful episode, join us as we sit down with Jackie Dunham, a Menopause Society Certified practitioner and founder of her new program Harmonique. Jackie sheds light on the often overlooked phases of perimenopause, menopause, and beyond, offering practical tips and strategies to help you prepare and navigate this transformative journey with grace and confidence. Tune in to learn how to restore hormonal harmony and reclaim your vitality today! LISTEN HERE

Let's Talk about YOU! One of my students in our Art Academy said she was using our mindset shift in our book changing your “I have to"  to “I get to”. It was the sweetest thing, she said “Brandi I actually think about it all the time”. It is so cool to see people putting what we wrote in out book into practice in their lives. WOW! See your everyday ordinary as extraordinary with our book Colour Me Happy!

You will turn your “have-to” into “I get to,” and attract the life you’ve envisioned for yourself. All will come when you shift your mindset. If you adapt the mentality of, I get to, people will gravitate toward your energy; it will flow around you, and you can lead others down the same path with your positive example and ability to move forward, adapt, and create the beautiful journey you’ve set out for yourself.

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Brandi Hofer
Artist & Educator